
音标: [juˈfɔriə]

Use euphoria to describe a feeling of great happiness and well-being, but know that euphoria often more than that––it’s unusually, crazy happy, over the top.

Euphoria can even be classified as a mental illness. The earliest use of euphoria was to describe the relief provided by a medical procedure. The word was borrowed from New Latin, from the Greek word meaning “ability to bear easily, fertility,” from euphoros “healthy,” from the prefix eu- “good, well” plus pherein “to bear.”

To be euphoric is to be carried away with amazingly good feelings. The euphoric feeling of having won the lottery ended quickly when you saw your pet ferret chewing up your lottery ticket.

When someone’s euphoric, they’re so happy that they might have lost touch with reality for the moment. This “too good to be true” quality is one reason some drug-induced states get described as euphoric. In fact, euphoria, which euphoric stems from, originally meant a feeling of wellness caused in the sick by the use of drugs.

I have such a feeling of euphoria.

You know the euphoria cannot last.

I’m in a state of total euphoria.

Apparently, I had something called “widow’s euphoria.”

and you’re going to feel a slight sense of euphoria,

The end of an operation is euphoric.

And fun, cathartic. It felt euphoric, like nothing I’ve ever felt.