Week 3 day 1: THE PEP TALK

“If there’s one thing I loathe,” the coach said, “it’s a quitter.” He had good reason to
reprimand us at half-time, because the scoreboard revealed that we were losing, 45–20. Our
lackluster performance indicated to him that we had forgotten the rudimentary aspects of
basketball. His caustic remarks fired us up, however, and we dashed out, determined to wrest
control of the game from our rivals.

朗读视频:01.1100 Words you need to know - Week4 Day1 - Mullins a K.O victim_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


音标: [loʊð]

If you loathe someone or something, you hate them very much. You might not choose to eat raw carrots if you dislike them, but if you loathe them, you might have a hard time even having them on your plate.

This word suggests a strong feeling of disgust. Near synonyms are abhor and detest. The verb loathe descends from Middle English lothen, from Old English lāthian. The related adjective loathsome means “hateful or disgusting,” and the adjective loath means “not willing to do something,” as in “I’m loath to cheat on a test, but I don’t see what choice I have.”

You’re probably thinking that a person with my intellectual capacity would loathe waiting for that gentleman’s answer to my question.

I loathe children, I must say.

He loathes me.

Three days ago, I loathed you.

After seeing what he did to Cheryl Dempsey, I could feel nothing but loathing for this guy.

If you can stop loathing a dead man long enough, you might want to have a look in his study.

Get down, you loathsome creature.