
音标: [ˈtændʒəbl]

When you can touch something, it’s tangible: “I need tangible proof that aliens exist — I want to shake their little green hands!”

Tangible is from Latin tangere, “to touch,” and it simply means something that can be touched or felt, though it can be used in metaphorical senses: tangible assets have a value that can be precisely measured, and tangible grief can be clearly sensed by an onlooker. So you might not need to physically touch something for it to be tangible, but it has to be grounded in the real world of facts: “Has the teen pop star demonstrated any tangible ability to sing?”

They are desperate for tangible signs of faith.

I need something tangible.

No tangible proof.

These tapes are tangible evidence

You might experience something more tangible than an Abraham Lincoln dream.